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The word Yoni is Sanskrit word that has been interpreted to mean the womb, source of all life and sacred space. It is the female sexual organs such as "vagina", "vulva", and "uterus", or alternatively to "origin, abode, or source" of anything in other contexts. Yoni steams are made of herbs with healing properties and different benefits for your vaginal area. The Balance and Harmony Herbal Steam mix does just that. It helps to bring balance, healing and harmony to your womb. This mix tones and relaxes the vaginal muscles and tissues while balancing yeast. It also assists with boosting beneficial bacteria and getting rid of the bad. It can be done before your menstrual cycle to minimize cramping and assist with the flow of your cycle. It is not recommended to do a yoni steam during your menstrual cycle. 



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Balance and Harmony Yoni Herbal Steam

  • Performing a Yoni steam can be done in several ways. You will start by pouring the 4 oz package of herbs in a pot or health safe bowl. Then pour 2 cups (or enough to cover herbs) of boiling water over the herbs. Cover and let steep for about 5 minutes to allow it cool down. Uncover and test the steam to determine if it has cooled enough by holding your risk over it. If it has cooled down, put the bowl/ pot under your sitting apparatus. Unclothe from the waist down and wrap a blanket or large towel around your waist to keep the steam in the nether region. Sit for 20 to 30 minutes and allow the relaxing sensation to take over your senses. Once done, discard the herbs and enjoy the revitalized feeling. It is recommended to steam before bed so you will be completely relaxed after the steam. There are yoni chairs that can be purchased especially for yoni steams off Etsy and Amazon. You can also use camping toilets, sitz baths, and portable toilets. If you don’t have any of those, you have other options. Pour herbs and water in a bowl and sit it in the toilet and sit over it. You can also put the bowl in front of a chair and scoot to the end of the chair over it. You can also put the bowl in between two chairs and place one leg on each chair and straddle the bowl. 

    ***The Balance and Harmony Yoni Steam is made of natural herbs however, there are precautions. If you have an IUD inserted for birth control, do not use Yoni Steams. If you are pregnant or nursing, do not use yoni steams without consulting a physician as some herbs have different effects on pregnancies and nursing. As always, please consult your physician before use and ask any questions as I am not a physician and am not licensed.***

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